F1 Mooli - April Cross - Japanese Radish Seeds
F1 Mooli - April Cross - Japanese Radish Seeds
Large, well-formed white rooted variety, very high quality and good flavour and crisp texture. Also known as Daikon. Produces ice white crisp fleshed cylindrical roots up to 38cm (15 inches) long and 5cm (2 inches) in diameter, weighing over 1lb. Slow to bolt from late spring sowings and, ideal for staggered sowings throughout the summer. This Japanese radish is much longer rooted than most other types, and will keep for many weeks if lifted and stored in dry sand. Its flesh is crisp, tender and has a mild peppery taste. Can be eaten raw or cooked, steamed or fried. Ideal crop for children to grow - ready in approx 60 days
Qty - 25 seeds